Welcome to the CEDAR Lab!

About the Lab

The CEDAR (Couples’ Experiences with Diversity and Adversity in Relationships) Lab is led by Dr. Lydia Emery at the University of Chicago. The lab studies links among close relationships, social class, and the self. Relationships are fundamental to how people navigate their social worlds and understand who they are. How do relationships function, and do the ways people experience their relationships differ based on the social class contexts and personal identities they being to their relationships? Research in the lab uses a combination of longitudinal, daily diary, experimental, and behavioral methods to answer these kinds of questions. To learn more, read about our research or check out our recent publications


New Paper about Attachment and Loss of Self

We have a new paper in press at JPSP with Erin Hughes, Emma McGorray, Wendi Gardner, and Eli Finkel. We find that people high on attachment avoidance perceive change due to their close relationships as losing parts of themselves, which contributes to lower commitment...

CEDAR Lab in the New York Times

Lab Director Lydia Emery spoke to the New York Times about how to support a friend going through a divorce, highlighting research about rediscovery of self after a breakup.  

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