New Paper about Recruiting Lower-SES Participants

We have a new paper in press at AMPPS with collaborators David Silverman and Rebecca Carey on best practices around recruiting and working with lower-SES participants. In this paper, we suggest that the primary considerations when working with lower-SES participants are trust and accessibility. We provide recommendations about how to build these key factors into each stage of the research process, from designing a research question to well after the data are collected and published.

Emery, L. F., Silverman, D. M., & Carey, R. M. (in press). Conducting research with people in lower socioeconomic status contexts. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. [Download]

Prospective research assistants, join us!

If you are a UChicago undergraduate or master’s student looking to join the lab and get research experience, please contact us. Research assistants in the lab can work on a range of types of projects, including collecting data (both in the lab and out in the world), coding videos and written responses from participants, helping to develop materials for studies, and attending lab meetings. These projects can also help to prepare students to conduct independent research projects of their own.

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